Poggio Moiano - La Locanda del Frullo - Casa Vacanze & Country House - Poggio Moiano RI

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Poggio Moiano

Itineraries and Excursions
Poggio Moiano is part of the Sabina area, in the county of Rieti, which is believed to be the cradle of history and culture.
The ancient Moiano Loco has had a municipality status since 1083. The village sits on a hill at the foot of Mount Miano (990 m), at an altitude of 502 m above the sea level and is being appreciated for its exceptionally mild climate.
The Old Town Centre, now enlivened by murals representing typical aspects of the countryside, has preserved its beautiful views and picturesque alleys. Poggio Moiano is a village situated in Alta Sabina, on the main road which connects Salaria and Tiburtina Valeria road where one can find monuments of Romanesque and medieval origin.

St. Martin's Church is a small rural church, with adjoining hermitage not far away from the village centre. According to a document of 1343, the church dates back to the 10th century when it belonged to the Benedictine monks of Farfa. Nowadays, it still belongs to the Abbey of Farfa. It does not have an abbot and is being managed by the Bishop. The façade of “pietra locale”, has a sloping left hut, occupied by a bell tower with two full lancet arches and a beautiful stone “rose window” in the centre. On the left, you can see bas-reliefs of roses and bucrania- ox head gaunt with ribbons and garlands, adorned as in the sacrifices. There is a single nave with a semicircular apse where you can see two frescoes of 1556 representing San Martino and Sant'Antonio Abate. There are a number of preserved artifacts, including a stone sacrifice container, coffers of a tomb and various fragments of friezes spirals. The church was fully restored in 1972 and since has been preserved in good conditions. Please call 0765 876 ​​057 to speak with the village priest if you wish to arrange a visit.

The Churches of St. Sebastian and St. Anne are two rural churches, which can still be found outside the town centre. The Church of St. Sebastian, the patron of the village, was built in 1527  as stated sull'epistilio door. San Sebastian is represented inside, on the altar wall. St. Anne’s church is located in the open countryside. It is very small and was built in 1760. It is used only once a year, on July 26th. Please contact the parish priests if you wish to visit these churches.

Santa Liberata’s Icon holy is located at the entrance of the village and is  not in a visible position. It was an ancient pilgrimage location. There is an image of Santa Liberata who lived in the Middle Ages and is considered the protector of children with serious illnesses. You can admire a beautiful stone arch near the news stand which served as an entry point to the village.

The Frescoes in the San Giovanni Battista church. The parish church of St. John the Baptist is located right on the central square of the village. It was the ancient chapel of the baronial building which was destroyed during the Great War. It was rebuilt in 1953 and restored only a few years ago. Three frescoes were found on the walls during the most recent restorations. The oldest, dating back to 1400, depicts the Madonna Enthroned. In front, there is the scene of the Last Supper, which unfortunately is not well preserved. The third one, from the late '500, is representing the Madonna and the Child and some scenes of Mary’s life. You can also admire a polychrome wooden sculpture of exquisite workmanship, depicting the Madonna.

The Massacci Cave. There is an 18th-century farmhouse near Osteria Nuova, right at the border with Frasso Sabino. There is a monumental tomb of the second century B.C. beneath the farmhouse. The Massacci Cave is an underground room with megalithic walls. It is 6.8 m wide and 4.5 m high. The ceiling represents a posthumous vault. The wall with the entrance is formed by only 7 boulders, one of which is 7 m long, 1.8 m wide and a little less than 1 m high. The entrance is closed by darkened stones and looks like a window to the front wall. There is a triangular shaft in the room.


Murals of the Historic Centre. You can see ten recent murals representing scenes of the village life on the ancient walls of the historic centre. They were made by established artists on the Local Authority’s request in order to revalue the historical centre and encourage other artists to take part in the coming years.


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